
There are many types of mattresses in home stores


High-density sponges, 3D mattresses, spring mattresses, palm mattresses, latex mattresses... When the reporter visited several major home furnishing stores in Nanchong City, they found that there are a wide range of mattress products on the market, with prices ranging from a few hundred yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. Not waiting. "Quality", "Health" and "High-tech" have become two hot words for salespeople to sell mattresses to consumers.

According to the survey, there are many types of mattresses on the market. What kind of mattress meets the requirements of a healthy sleep mattress? In fact, everyone's physical condition is different. It is good to choose a mattress according to your physical condition.

The area of ​​latex mattress contacting the human body is much higher than that of ordinary mattresses. It can evenly disperse the bearing capacity of the human body. It has the function of correcting poor sleeping posture and eliminating sterilization.

Water mattresses generally use the principle of buoyancy. Although they sometimes have advantages such as buoyancy sleep, dynamic sleep, warm in winter and cool in summer, and hyperthermia, their air permeability is insufficient.

The 3D mattress is composed of double-sided mesh and intermediate connecting wires. The double-sided mesh determines the incomparable air permeability of traditional materials. The intermediate connecting wires are 0.18 mm thick polyester monofilament, which ensures the resilience of the 3D mesh.

Improper purchase will reduce the quality of sleep

He Jiangtao, a professor of orthopedics at the Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, pointed out that many citizens get up in the morning with backaches and backaches, mostly because the mattress does not provide enough "support" for the body, making the body unable to relax. When a person sleeps on a hard bed, all parts of the body are supported too effectively, and it is easy to feel sore and tired after waking up. A mattress that is too soft is also not good for health. When a person lies down, the whole body is too much sunken in the mattress, causing the spine to extend and bend. Children sleeping on such mattresses for a long time may cause bone deformation; while elderly people sleeping on soft mattresses for a long time may cause joint pain.

"Because each person's specific situation is different, weight, height and personal living habits, etc., when people choose a mattress, they should comprehensively consider certain options based on their own specific circumstances, local climate, and personal economic income conditions." He Jiangtao said that the basic requirement is to keep the lumbar spine physiologic lordosis when lying on the back, the body curve is normal, and when lying on the side, the lumbar spine should not bend and the main requirement is to bend sideways. "If the mattress is not comfortable enough, it will definitely reduce the quality of sleep. The mattress is a very important factor affecting the quality of sleep. If the quality of the mattress is unqualified, it is more likely to have an adverse effect on health. The mattress is too hard, waist and hips Without a balanced support, the spine cannot maintain a normal curvature. Wife, the spine is bent downward, and the waist is prone to fatigue. In severe cases, it can cause back pain. Therefore, the mattress should be soft and hard."


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